Thursday 21 August 2008

Bmxing-Reaches-Bearwood-1983-84, Part 4

As the years went on and we learnt how to build fly-offs, that was a turning point and a change from riding dirt jumps down the park,now this was before the concrete banks we got there now. we would place the fly-off in the paddling pool up against the edge so it wouldn't slip and move when jumping out of it.
The paddling pool where it was placed was a good spot to have it, so when you jumped out of it you would pedal across the pool and launch out of the ramp, across the outer path and onto the top which was all grass which meant a nice soft landing. You would probably clear between 8 or 10 feet in distance and be about 5 feet or so in height, which was scary as it was the early days of learning and there was much fun had none the less. The fly-off would be moved about around the pool as time went on and before you knew it getting 12 to 15 feet in distance and a little higher to, there was not much of a fear factor in the locals so seeing crazy things was kind of the normal sight.
I suppose bearwood riding brakeless so far back in the day was a great thing as you became alot more fearless and was getting more confident as the days went on, you learn alot quicker and there is a spiritual side to riding with no brakes. You learn to trust your feelings, energy, instinct.

Peace and Blessings til next time,


Sunday 3 August 2008

New Things.

A few updates to look forward to on the blog coming to a store near you soon, Firstly the interview with the one Don chromeleone is in it's final stages, you would think that it would be straight forward but believe me it's far from it. Work in progress for a little few words with one of the Bearwood's Brakeless Stars from the day is no other than Derek aka Pigeon aka Mike Coley should be nice to read what he has to share. Also anybody seen Little Bear aka Dave, a true smoothie on his bike why this boy isn't been flowed any bikes, parts, etc, is a head scratcher. A big much peace to the little bears who are keeping the spirit alive down there at lightwoods park, a bunch of youth who hold nothing back when it comes to shredding the park to pieces, much respect lil bears.

Till next time much peace and blessings.


Feed The Poor

Time has Come To Remember That We Should "Feed The Needy And Bypass The Greedy" Much Peace And Blessings.