Tuesday 16 March 2010

Words With Mike"The Pigeon"Coley Part 3.

Firstly Would Like To Thank The Pigeon For His Time And Patience, BearBmx Managed To Catch Up With Mike Coley Down At Don Chromeleones House, And This Is What He Shared For All To Enjoy....

BearBmx--- Hows It Going Original Brakeless Wonder,

Mike, Everything is going well, I have been busy keeping fit and enjoying life on my inline boots, 2012 is just around the corner and have to be ready for the BMX in the olympic games, I'm Lucky to be on the reserve list for the racing.

BearBmx--- So Your An All Rounder, BMX, In lining, Olympian Gamer, Fisherman, Sailor, Anything Else We Don't Know About,

Mike, I,m glad you asked really, I,ve just come back from India which was part of the Bearwood Bmx World Tour and i came across the Rickshaw Bikes out there, I was totally in awe when i seen them, Since i got back i have been thinking of starting a Rickshaw Company in Birmingham, And its going to be called Pigeon Express, The Passengers will have to sign a Waiver, to say that they won't mind jumping off the curbs while there on the journey, Jumping Rickshaws you may THINK, But while in India i done loads of tricks while out there on my friends Rickshaw, I had taken the milk crate out with me to India as i had some shows Booked to do on my Inline Boots, The last show in Thailand last year went down a storm with the native people, Thanks Bunty,(Rickshaw Owner).

BearBmx--- Do You Have To Wear Special Socks With Your Boots,

Mike, With the Maxi 2000 Boots I've just had the socks made out of material NASSER use on there projects, Oh my days the speed you get is amazing, We talking a easy 55.5 MPH and that's a good speed, Ive greased my bearings with some super smooth grease, Good with titanium bearings.

BearBmx--- I See Your Back On The BMX Now,

Mike, That's correct because last time we chatted, (Part 2) i had that nasty spill on my boots when the stone got jammed in my wheels and sent me head first, The injury wasn't any bother but when i scuffed my suede Maxi 1500 Boots that hurt me more, So since then i go and get the Bread and Milk on the BMX now. It's nice to get back on the BMX i kind of miss it since i turned to the Inline Boots for a living.

BearBmx--- Whats That On Your Right Heel? BearBmx Is Confused At What It's Seeing?,

Mike, Oh dear i thought i had taken that off, Your not to know about that yet, I'm Not one to share my advancing steps but, They are indicators for my boots when I'm on the roads at night, They work by tapping your heals together, I'm Not willing to share anymore with you as there in the early stages of design and testing.

BearBmx--- Are You A Really A Geniuine Sailor,

Mike, Didn't think you was going to ask me, WATCH THIS THEN, (BearBmx Note, Mike Is Playing With Some Rope?) See that then bet you cant do it, "It's a Triple Butterfly Sail Knot" you cant go wrong with that Knot, Mike Shows BearBmx His Sailor Certificate and his Boat Sailing License which he keeps in his wallet.

BearBmx--- Whats New For Mike "The Pigeon" Coley For 2010,

Mike, Well I'm designing and testing the New Inline Maxi 5000 Boots in Gold Colour with some Glitter sprinkles on them, for when i start the nightclub shows, And i'm practising some new dance moves, Can't say to much but let me share that It's a Michael Jackson Dance Mixed with MC Hammer. Sha Mo It's Hammer Time U Can't Touch Me. Thanks For This Interview BearBmx Your The Best Ever And I Love BEARWOOD 19 long time.

BearBmx--- Would Like To Wish You All The Best For The Future And Would Like To Offer You This Gold Key For All Your Hard Work And Effort You Put Into Making Bearwood What It Is Today.

Mike, Thank You So Much Wasn't Expecting The Gold Key, The Thought Is Making My Eyes Water With All Your Kindness, Best Thing That's Ever Happened To Me, Way Better Than Designing The Maxi 5000 Inline Boots.

BearBmx--- Can You Do A Rollback On The BMX For Us, (BearBmx Note- Looks At His Manager).

Mike, Sorry My Manager Won't Give The Go Ahead, As He Is Worried I May Get Hurt And Will Have To Cancel My Shows.

BearBmx--- There You Go Mears, Hope Your Wiser Because I Am. One Second Hes Back To Say Something Else?

Mike, Sorry cant keep away, I Pledge That I Will Only Give My Secrets Of My Sailing Knotting Techniques To Those Who Deserve It. Come See Me.

Peace And Blessings To Each And All.


Wednesday 17 February 2010

Bearwood Bmx World Tour 2010.

Picture At Night Is Of The Landing Coming Into Singapore, All The Boats Lit Up.

Picture With Skyscrapers On A Hazy Morning Is Melbourne.

Your Probably Thinking Whats All This With A Trip Report, Well Let Me Share That This Was Requested By Don Chromeleone, Mart, And Coley As There Avid Boeing Fans. Sorry Boys No Regs Were Collected As That's Not For Me. SORRY LADS.
This Journey Was Leaving Birmingham On The 2ND Feb 2010 And Arriving In Australia On The 4Th Feb, With Only 2 hours In Dubai And 2 Hours In Singapore Stopover For Refuelling And Crew Change.

Would Like To Share, The Journey To Australia Was VIA Dubai And Singapore, The Flight Booked Was With Emirates Airlines From Birmingham International Airport To Melbourne International Airport ,Australia. BearBmx Was Booked On The Evening Flight To Dubai With Emirates Airlines flight number EK 38 for a 2020 Departure Time, Aircraft Type Was A 777-300ER. The Flight Left 35 Min's Late For The 7 Hour Trip To Dubai, Whats 35 Min's When You Got 25 Hours Ahead Of You Eh, The Flight Was Smooth And The Inflight Food And Entertainment Was Good Also. The Load On This Flight Was Full As Not One Seat Was Empty, 400+ Passengers And This Aircraft Just Thunders Away On Take Off With Immense Power, Think If I'm Right It Was A Rolling Start As Soon As Be Got Onto The Runway, Truly Amazing Aircraft The Boeing 777-300ER.

The Seating Pitch Wasn't To Great And Not To Bad Either, Well It Is Economy Class And Not Business Class Bearwood, BearBmx Arrived Into Dubai On The 3rd Feb Around 8am (Dubai Time) And Had To Dash And Get To My Connecting Flight From Dubai To Singapore With Only An Hour Or So Between Them, Dubai Was Hot And Nice, Considering Birmingham Was Down With Minus Freezing Temperatures So The Heat Was A God Send, Praise The Lord. Dubai Airport Was Busy With Loads Of Passengers, It's A Huge Airport And The Walk From One Gate To The Next Was Away Away, Seem to Take Forever. Managed To Get To My Gate In Plenty Of Time For My Connection To Singapore, Was Looking At Exchanging Some Pounds Into Currency For The Trip, But The Rate Was Rubbish So Didn't Bother.

Soon As My Gate Was Located, The Search Was On For Showers To Use, But It Seemed They Was All In The Lounges For First And Business Class Passengers, So Onbound We Go To Singapore, BearBmx Had Pre Booked The Same Seat From Birmingham To Australia, Which Saved Alot Of Issues Of Relocation And Wondering Around Lost In The Aircraft.
The Flight From Dubai To Singapore Was Another 7 Hours And Went Smoothly With Only A Little Turbulence To Digest The Food, We Landed In Singapore At 9PM On The 3rd Feb With A Smooth Touchdown, All Passengers Had To Disembark The Aircraft In Singapore And Take All There Belongings With Them, Found A Lounge For All Class Passengers At Singapore Changi International Airport Called The "RainForest Lounge" Where You Could Take A Shower ETC To Liven Up A Bit And For Only 5GBP, BearBmx Recommends This Lounge, Staff All Seemed Rather Pleasant In Singapore.

BearBmx Rushes Back To The Gate For The 7.5 Hour Last Leg Of The Flight From Singapore To Melbourne, This Time My Seat Was Given To A Family And I Got The Emergency Exit Seat Over The Wing, Which Was Great As You Can Stretch Out As You Like, Got A Little Insight From The Elderly Couple Next To Me About What To Do In Australia. All They Said Was Wait Til You Feel The Heat, They Was Right. Flight From Singapore To Australia Was Smooth And I Managed To Get 4 Hours Sleep As Ive Not Had Any Sleep Since Leaving Birmingham At All, So A Little Tired I Was. Fast Forward All The Way To Landing At Melbourne And That's When A Few Words Were Exchanged With Customs And The All Clear Was Given And Australia BEARBMX Is In Your Country.

A Further 6 Hours Drive From Melbourne In Victoria To Griffith In New South Wales.

Dedicated To The Don, Mart, And Coley. Avid Boeing 777-300ER Fans.

Much Peace And Blessings To Each And All.
