Tuesday, 24 June 2008

bmxing-reaches-bearwood-1983-84, Part 2

The Early days of bmxing down the park were some good times, having the paddling pool back in the day as the main thing to ride was really good looking back, because the pool varied in height around its edges the shallow end was about 1 and half feet in height and the deepest end was about 3 feet high.
Around the edges of the pool was a path going right around and there was a stone wall that was the outer edges of the whole paddling pool, most of the time was spent trying to bunnyhop out the pool onto the paths and it was quite a task as well as many punctures along the way and buckled many a back wheel or 2 in the learning process. In places were the stone wall was there was parts where the wall had fell apart, leaving dirt that was behind the wall all exposed these dirt patches over the years along with riders on there bikes riding up and down the dirt ending up becoming dirt jumps naturally shaping for years of fun.
As riders progressed there bunnyhop skills out of the pool this became a good run up for the dirt jumps, you would get the locals tearing through the pool bunnyhop out the pool onto the path then pedal for more speed and just hit the dirt jump and just fly through the air. There was 3 dirt jumps around the edges , one was on the edge of the play area which sent you high and skywards and the other 2 jumps sent you more for distance than height, so there was a good selection of jumps and much fun to be had. The locals that were still learning to hop out the pool would just tear around the path to hit the jumps, this route was sketchy as the gravel that made the path up was loose and slippy and as well it being a S shape approach to the the jumps.
After Gary and Devon moved on from riding they left a foundation for generations to come that has only strengthened year by year til this present day. The local riders from back in the day were a crazy bunch of dudes, riders would travel from Smethwick, Quinton, Oldbury, West Bromwich, Halesowen, and from all over Birmingham as well. There a few old pictures of the old pool set up which i will post on the blog for all to see what it looked like.
So til next time peace be upon, Part 3 to come soon and more stories about Bearwood's early bmx days til present days riding to come.The One Kennychrome will be dropping a few thoughts of his memories of the early days which should be a good read so keep checking back.

Peace and Blessings.


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