Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Bmx Riders In India.

Out of curiosity one day i was thinking if Bmx Freestyle has ever reached india, so i ended up searching on google to see if anything popped up, and to my amazement there it was. The search came up with a story of Brian Blyther and some other U.S. riders going to india for demos,then there was names of a few indian riders out in Bombay and one rider was Rahul Muliani who is an all round rider who is into flatland, I ended up E mailing Rahul and ended up having a good chat with him about Bmx and India. Rahul and crew, hold jams here and there and invited me over to one, but being from the Punjab which is situated in Northern India and travelling across to Bombay which is now known as Mumbai, would mean travelling by train for about 30 hours or so.
God willing i would love to go and meet up with them,but it would mean flying to Mumbai, Having been riding Bmx for 25 plus years i can truely say that ive only seen 2 or 3 other indian bmx riders in all my time, so to find out and hear Bmx was thriving in India was a happy moment. Much Peace and Love to Rahul and crew, Much Love to Mother India.

Much Peace and Blessings To Each And All.

Bear Bmx.


Unknown said...

Need BMX riders in india for a show on urgent basis..
please call on +91 9873925096


Anonymous said...

Working on it KING BMX