B - So Coley how's it going what's new brother...
Coley - Yes all is well just not feeling to good,
B - Why what's happened...
Coley - I have taken a spill on my boots the other day while going to get some bread and milk from the local shop, i ended up falling over when my wheel on my boots got jammed on a stone and sending me head over heels,
B - How was your holiday to Thailand...
Coley - It was real good met the locals in Thailand and they are a good bunch of people, i enjoyed going fishing with the locals and having a party at sea, if anyone knows me, they will know I'm a sailor at heart. I know how to tie all the special knot's.
B - Did you take your boot's with you...
Coley - You ask some silly questions don't you, of course i did,i had an amazing time, showed the Thai's what a go on in, done some low dippers round the corner's and some backwards swirly they did not know what hit them. I also done some demo's in the capital with a milk crate.
Part 3 to Follow as you can see the sailor has plenty to share.
Peace and Blessings To Each And All.
Bear Bmx.
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