Monday 5 March 2012

2 Swords - 2 Hats And A Pair Of Beads

This Story Comes About From "The Legendary Backyard Jam" In Hastings. This one, was held in a field with a Vert Ramp and a Car Boot Sale, going on at the same time. We was lucky enough to find a perfect spot to park our car, since we got there quite early-ish, right in front of the Vert Ramp we was. A Perfect View and did not have to get out of the car either to watch, Watching the Vert Riding through the front windscreen was like looking at a Widescreen TV Nowadays. Since it was a real hot day, The Sun was doing its duty, and a scorcher of a day it was. We ended up draping the car all over with sheets to keep it cool inside, Leaving just the windscreen uncovered, to watch the Competition, We was in a good place, music playing and just in our own comfort zone. As the day went on, it got real busy and you would have people, probably thinking the car was just dumped there. Some spectators had not even realised that we was in the car, and then proceeded to climb onto the bonnet for a better view.(NOW THAT IS PROPER F****** CHEEKY). Me Not being to happy with this type of mannerism, with people, thinking they can just climb on your car for a better view. WTF!!! NO NO NO that is not happening by any means, not on this car. I started the car and just drove off forward and cleared the path again.(This Shook The Intruders Up On The Bonnet) No Problems After That. I mean the cheek of some people was unreal. Later on in the day Bearwood Tom And Coley (Partners In Pranks) went off for a walk around the Car Boot Sale, They return after a while with, Each one of them holding A Sword, Both of them have Weaved Straw Hats on their heads, and round their Necks they got some Big ass Beads. You would not want to be around these 2 if they had Water Pistols, let alone 2 Swinging Swords. They are having battles with each other like a couple of sailors, or is it pirates. Being around them whilst they was Swinging them swords was a bit On The Edge. They would walk around with their swords in there covers, on their sides, whilst wearing them Beads and Hats, and then just unleash, (Without Any Warning) their swords to battle each other, right there amongst your normal Day to Day People. Some people would jump out of there way, Thinking Oh S***. : )) Everyone would see the funny side, when they realised what they was wearing.( A Sight) I encountered a little problem with them, When we was getting ready to pack up, and making plans for the drive home, The Car Boot is now packed up with everyones Luggage, Tents, Etc. I'm now looking at them both as they are standing there with the swords in their hands and ready to get into the car. I try explaining to them that "No Way Are Them Swords Going In The Front Of The Car". There Reply Is "Why Not" me further explaining that "Its Just Not Happening" There Reply Again "Why Not". I'm again telling them "NO And NO WAY" Then They Say "OK We Will Put Them On The Rear Parcel Shelf", My reply to them was that, I just Laughed at them. In the end, we empty the boot out again and put the swords at the very bottom of the luggage. Personally if them swords would have made it into the car, Everyone would of had a Free, Short-Sides, And Back. Real Madness In Abundance. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

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