Sunday 4 March 2012

24 Cans And A Packed Lunch

This Picture Was Taken At The Backyard Jam, In Coventry. Furthest Away Is The Magnet AKA Coley holding a pint glass, In The Middle Is Bearwood Tom. Behind the camera is KennyChrome, Who was also The driver for this journey, which meant I was a lucky passenger, after a long time of driving around the Team I could finally have the joys of travelling the backseat,(Nice One Don). The rest of
The Bearwood Bmx Full Factory Trick Team
was in attendance as well. We each have got our backpacks loaded up with our daily essentials, some bags packed a little different to some. One Bag of interest was Bearwood Toms, He has managed to squeeze into his bag 24 Cans Of Beer and a packed lunch, the bag was truthfully spiliting at the seams, and had some serious weight in it. We arrive at the venue and join the queue for the spectators. The signs read "Have Bags Ready To Be Searched" And "No Alcohol Beverages To Be Taken Into The Venue", KennyChrome And Coley have had to join a separate queue because they got to collect their tickets. Since me and Bearwood Tom have already got our tickets in advance and are on One Ticket, I have no option, but to line up with him, I'm telling him that he needs to read these signs, and Bearwood Tom being who he is, he is not to phased and is cool as a cucumber and just grinning. I Look over to KennyChrome And Coley who are at this time just laughing and giving it the "OOoohhhh". I am thinking, as soon as that bag opens, we was not going to be watching any BMXing today. There was a few more items in question, other than the 24 cans and packed lunch, in that bag there was items, that would of made the security guards frown upon, and probably try to over power us. I knew when our turn came to be searched, we was going to be in Alot of trouble, No Messing. I'm praying, that all is to go smooth and no problems will be experienced. Now if this bag is not searched and we get in, then with that, what he has in his bag will not be nice in the venue.(ITS NOT THE BEERS OR THE PACKED LUNCH EITHER) If it does get searched, then we have had it too,(Either Way We Are Done). Now Our turn comes, we approach the security guard, and he starts to question Bearwood Tom about, if there is anything in the bag. I'm just behind Bearwood Tom, a few steps back, Acting like I'm not with him. The Security guard asks him "Whats In The Bag"?? Bearwood Tom replys "Oh Just A Few Cans Of Pop And A Packed Lunch My Mom Made Me", BLIMEY. How this guard never picked up on the fact, that this bag was looking well packed to the seams. Next thing the guard says to him was, "OK Have A Nice Day" and lets him into the venue. I was shocked and just laughing to myself, because now you would have to watch every step of his in there. Any lacking of concentration whatsoever will Not be acceptable. We take up our seats in the top tier up towards the back wall, we start watching the riding going on. KennyChrome goes for a walkabout around the venue, Bearwood Tom And Coley go for a venture as well. I stay put, watching the riding just going on, then Bearwood Tom And Coley have returned with some empty Beer Glasses, They are just going to fill up the glasses with the 24 cans of beer they have. First Pint is poured and they are drinking away, I'm not losing sight of them or The Bag, Everytime he went to open the bag, I was on the case, One eye on the competition and one eye on The Bag, It was from this high sense of alertness, which saved me from what was to happen later on in the day. By now KennyChrome has come back, he sees them 2 drinking out of the pint glasses, and asks "Where Did You Get Them Pints From"?? Their reply was "The Bar". KennyChrome stands there a little shocked and says, "What About The 24 Cans In The Bag", In which Bearwood Tom Replys "Oh They Are For The Drive Home". :)) KennyChrome Was proper shocked by now. I mean we are only in Coventry, and getting back to Brum would be only about 30mins. 24 cans in 30 minutes. (I Wouldn't Put It Past Them Either) They told KennyChrome in the end, that it was only empty glasses they got from the bar. (Sigh Of Relief) We laughed about it, for a while. (Above Picture). I will let the Team Write And Share what happens next. I dont really fancy writing it, It Was A ShowStopper In Every Sense, LITERALLY. : )) The riding going on was just unreal, The Worlds Top Pros Going Toe To Toe. Big Tricks. Also This Was Where The "Mad W*****" Took Birth. MAD WAY ANCHOR : )) MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

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