Tuesday 13 March 2012

Bearwood BMX At The Spinney Dirt Jumps

A Great place To Ride Back In The Day Was The Spinney Dirt Jumps. This place was real good to ride and had a good selection of dirt jumps, Bearwood BMX had some real great times had down there. The Spinney jumps where in Kingswinford, just down the road from Dudley and the locals were all good guys, and was very good on the jumps. Bearwood BMXs way of riding was to have a laugh first then have loads more fun riding. This, and just a bunch of crazy dude's together was a mixture and a half. One memory I have about being at The Spinney was there was loads of jumps dotted about all over the place, and the area it covered was quite big. The actual place was quite deep from the road level, and had plenty of trees which was a natural canopy on a rainy day. There was a little set of about 4 or 5 jumps, some being sets of Doubles and all going downhill, which were real good to ride. one day I was riding these on my own. You would start from the top, One or Two Pedals to start the motion off, after this you would just roll, being it a downhill. Slowly build up pace whilst you just fly over the jumps, after you jumped the set of 5. There was a Right Turn at the bottom, This Path would just Turn Right and proceed going downhill. When you got to the bottom of the 5 and done the Right Turn. Also having No Brakes meant there was some good speed being picked up by know. I made the Right Turn with the tyres just about gripping, the tyres was trying to slide out. No Brakes and flying down the hill and getting faster and faster. This Right Turn and Downhill was new terrain to me. I looked up and ahead, just to see a big mound of dirt at the bottom of this hill. It was massive and turned out to be a take off to a dirt jump. As soon I noticed what it was and thought while speeding down towards it, NAH. I dont want to do the jump, never had ever seeing it before and not sure about what it held on the other side. I start to put my foot down on the ground and try and stop my bike, but it being a sandy/gravel surface, it's not happening. By this time I'm now hauling towards this big mound of dirt. I put my foot back on the pedal and say a Quick Prayer. Then just pedalled towards the jump as fast as I could, You could not see over the Take Off at all, Then Not knowing how far the gap is to the landing or even if there is one their???. I just remember going towards the take off at full speed, thinking "I'M DONE " I hit the take off with so much speed that I was just flying through the air, Alot higher than I would of chosen to. Remember looking down, I could see all the landing passing by below me, I ended up clearing all the landing and made it down on the back wheel at an angle I thought I would be crashing, (BRACE BRACE BRACE) But by Grace Of God I made it down safe and sound. I was quite shocked by it all and kind of shaken up, I walked up to the rest of the boy's who were at the top riding the other jumps. I told them to try these Little set of doubles out I have just come across, and they were good. By now a few of the boy's in the Team was riding BRAKELESS. I asked them to line up in a single file just like a train, The path was narrow and shouted Lets Go !!. Off we go in a line down the hill close to the bike in front. We are jumping the set of 5 doubles picking up speed. As we got to the bottom I just shouted Turn Right there is more jumps, (Now I've Not Told Them About The Big Take Off At The Bottom), As soon as we Turn Right and start going down towards the Take Off. All you can hear when its comes into view is shouts and screams of "Get Out My Way" "WTF Is That" And All Sorts. You could hear bikes in the back going off course and Abandoning the jump and veering off into the trees and bushes. Scraping of Shoes Filling The Air. I was nearly falling off my bike at the front, Laughing so much. When the boy's was hitting the Take Off and going through the air you would hear all sorts of verbal. The ones who followed it through had made it over safely but a little shaken. We had a good laugh about it after. This jump ended up being a favourite in the end. A Great Memoriable Moment. Looking Back, The Gap Between The Take Off And Landing Was LARGE. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL BEARBMX

Wednesday 7 March 2012


SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL-SIKHS Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team Rider, Brakeless
Bearwood BMX has been scraping their shoes on the floors, since 1990. That was the time when the Team Went Brakeless. The techniques of stopping the bikes nowaday's is a skill in it's own right , There are so many different ways and styles of stopping, that can be witnessed nowadays. Whenever you are watching a crew of riders stunting Brakeless, it seems they know exactly when they desire to take their foot off, they will also know, exactly where on the bike, they wish to be Placing their foot, To Stop. When Bearwood BMX started riding brakeless back in the day, It was a new and fresh thing for us, and very much a raw process in progress, and by total accident. So we would naturally encounter problems, Like deciding which foot to take off, that would get you muddled up, never mind where you would be placing it to Stop The Bike, it was looked upon in a weird way by some people at times, well most of the time really. Especially the ones we ended up crashing into, we had encountered our fair share of problems along the way. Teething Issues I Think : )) Personally at times, this was a real heart beating moment when you would be trying to stop, I mean if you left it to the very last second, you was going to have a very close scrape. There was times when you would be riding and, had even forgot you had no brakes. Only too be reminded when you would be reaching for the brake lever and nothing is there, (This Used To Throw Your Senses). That seemed to be the nature of the game though. Along The 22 Years Of This Brakeless Journey, Bearwood BMX hasn't claimed any "Pioneering Rights" in any shape or form going, to say that we was the first and we started this Brakeless. Some people have put that "Label" on Bearwood BMX. Truthfully that's most kind of everyone, and a real humbling gesture, We just ended up making a certain decision in a time and space of our lives, that ended up getting Bearwood BMX the label "Pioneers" Of "Brakeless". It's a bit too much of a large label to accept. But truthfully If thats how Brothers And Sisters of the BMX community feel. That Bearwood BMX was one of the first team of riders, that may of had a hand in Going Brakeless First, Then A Big Thank You To Everyone. (It Would Be Fair To Say That We Was Ahead Of Time) When we started venturing into this Brakeless scene, it was more about lack of money than anything to do with being the So-Called "First". I remember the first day riding without brakes and thinking this experience is something else all together, A Real Wobbly Experience For Sure. It started all about, when one day my back wheel was buckled, (Alot Of Rear Wheels Was Getting Thrashed In Them Days) So this back wheel, just would not spin, I wanted to ride, nothing was going to stop me. At this time on my bike I have a Rear Full Brakeset, Then After a little while I have worked out, that if I remove one Brake Block from the Rear Brakeset that will create a little space for the wheel to spin round. It works!!, Now I'm heading down to the park, I can ride the bike again. To say the ride was a little shaky, would be a understatement. Who cares I'm back on the move, The shakyness is a little price to pay, RIGHT !!. I enjoy the day stunting away with the team and having fun, throughout the day, due to the heavy riding, the rear buckled wheel is getting worse and worse. In the end it just would not spin anymore, NO PROBLEM !! I have found the solution, I remove the other brake block, ANOTHER RESULT. We are now back on the move once again, a bit more shakier than before but thats No Problem. Later on the in the day, the same thing again. In the end I just removed the whole rear Brake Set. (BRAKELESS) This once again, ended up giving a little more movement. But now, No Brakes, I remember pedaling towards the banks to do an Air, and having the life shaked out of me due the the buckle. You would pedal so hard, hoping that the rear wheel would gain momentum and start to straighten up, but not to good. I managed to squeeze a few more days out of that rear wheel. After a while it started to hit the frame. It would shake you lifeless at times. In 1990 Bike parts were hard to come by, due to shortage of money, hence most of us having dodgy bikes and No Brakes. We truthfully never did see anyone riding without Brakes when we started. Whenever we travelled to all the different skateparks around the country. Everyone we seen had brakes on their bikes, as you would and should and could. Even when we had the money to get the new bike parts, we never went back to Having Brakes, the feeling of no brakes was right and comfortable and we were settled in by now, nobody likes a change do they. It kind of felt you was meant to be in that position at that time and space. Praise The Lord for the Experience, I would not of had it any other way. Big Respect to Mike Coley Aka Magnet Aka The Pigeon as he was One of the first in the Bearwood BMX Team to go Brakeless, nothing but props too that Brother. Nowadays They Sell Bikes Without Brakes, AMAZING. Myself And Coley Learnt Double Airs Together ( Airing Over Each Other) We would crash into each other at times, Whilst In Mid-Air. All a learning process I guess. You could not beat Dropping in on a ramp and just pumping and getting good air, it was a great feeling. Knowing that you landing smoothly or safely was in the hands of the Almighty Father. (See Above Pic) For Me Personally, I Used To Say A Prayer And Remember The Almighty Father Without Fail Everytime I Dropped Into A Ramp, For It Was He Who Gave Me The Courage And Strength To Pursue My Vision. Then If you landed smooth and was going for your next air, it was a Heart Beating Blissful Moment, you had no means of regulating your speed, you had to maintain 100% Focus, if at all possible, (Someone Knocking You Off Balance, Or Even Just Grabbing Your Rear Wheel Mid-Air, Wasn't Out The Question At All) You Learnt that certain level of Knowledge And Feel. Having to correct your balance when coming back in off an Air, because someone has just grabbed your rear wheel, making you stop Mid-Air, this nearly sending you over the bars, that was hard to pull off and master, be we did it. It also came down to what Knowledge And Wisdom you had gained whilst Riding Brakeless. Your senses are enhanced to a level, kind of close too a spiritual edge. Brakeless made you grow in confidence and have belief, You had to be fully committed too. To have Belief and understanding in yourself and your bike, sometimes you would want to change your mind Mid-Way approaching a jump, and want to stop, But may not have enough time to use your stopping methods. Even if you tried to change your mind Mid-Way, It was at times not a good idea. Sometimes it could cause you more Harm Than Good, whatever the case maybe. You had to go for whatever you was attempting, 100% fully Committed, NO HALF MEASURES. It dawned on me what BRAKELESS had become, when one time Seeing BMX riders in Australia, on a trip I done in 2010, I was half way around the world, out in the middle of nowhere, Not close to any major cities, many hundreds of miles, and many hours away from any city, and then coming across BMXers riding their BMXs without Brakes, That Was A Mind Spinner. That moment of time and space in Australia made it all clear to me that BRAKELESS BMX had travelled the GLOBE and had settled into far to fetch places in this world. That Is Down To The Professional Riders Who Have Taken It On A Global Scale. BIG BIG Respect To Them All. Bearwood Bmx is Still Underground, But now is Part Of A Worldwide Brakeless Movement. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Monday 5 March 2012

2 Swords - 2 Hats And A Pair Of Beads

This Story Comes About From "The Legendary Backyard Jam" In Hastings. This one, was held in a field with a Vert Ramp and a Car Boot Sale, going on at the same time. We was lucky enough to find a perfect spot to park our car, since we got there quite early-ish, right in front of the Vert Ramp we was. A Perfect View and did not have to get out of the car either to watch, Watching the Vert Riding through the front windscreen was like looking at a Widescreen TV Nowadays. Since it was a real hot day, The Sun was doing its duty, and a scorcher of a day it was. We ended up draping the car all over with sheets to keep it cool inside, Leaving just the windscreen uncovered, to watch the Competition, We was in a good place, music playing and just in our own comfort zone. As the day went on, it got real busy and you would have people, probably thinking the car was just dumped there. Some spectators had not even realised that we was in the car, and then proceeded to climb onto the bonnet for a better view.(NOW THAT IS PROPER F****** CHEEKY). Me Not being to happy with this type of mannerism, with people, thinking they can just climb on your car for a better view. WTF!!! NO NO NO that is not happening by any means, not on this car. I started the car and just drove off forward and cleared the path again.(This Shook The Intruders Up On The Bonnet) No Problems After That. I mean the cheek of some people was unreal. Later on in the day Bearwood Tom And Coley (Partners In Pranks) went off for a walk around the Car Boot Sale, They return after a while with, Each one of them holding A Sword, Both of them have Weaved Straw Hats on their heads, and round their Necks they got some Big ass Beads. You would not want to be around these 2 if they had Water Pistols, let alone 2 Swinging Swords. They are having battles with each other like a couple of sailors, or is it pirates. Being around them whilst they was Swinging them swords was a bit On The Edge. They would walk around with their swords in there covers, on their sides, whilst wearing them Beads and Hats, and then just unleash, (Without Any Warning) their swords to battle each other, right there amongst your normal Day to Day People. Some people would jump out of there way, Thinking Oh S***. : )) Everyone would see the funny side, when they realised what they was wearing.( A Sight) I encountered a little problem with them, When we was getting ready to pack up, and making plans for the drive home, The Car Boot is now packed up with everyones Luggage, Tents, Etc. I'm now looking at them both as they are standing there with the swords in their hands and ready to get into the car. I try explaining to them that "No Way Are Them Swords Going In The Front Of The Car". There Reply Is "Why Not" me further explaining that "Its Just Not Happening" There Reply Again "Why Not". I'm again telling them "NO And NO WAY" Then They Say "OK We Will Put Them On The Rear Parcel Shelf", My reply to them was that, I just Laughed at them. In the end, we empty the boot out again and put the swords at the very bottom of the luggage. Personally if them swords would have made it into the car, Everyone would of had a Free, Short-Sides, And Back. Real Madness In Abundance. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Brother Bob Sanderson

These 2 Pictures are Of, Brother Bob Sanderson, Can Be Seen Laying Down The Rules On These Fastplants At Bearwood Skatepark. One Is On The Banks And The Other Picture Is In The Bowl. AN OLD SCHOOL CLASSIC TRICK By An Old School Classic Birmingham BMXer From Way, Way, Back. Much Respect To Brother Bob. Roots. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Temper-Graffiti Master, Painting The Twang. SKILLS!!

Watch And Learn And Enjoy.


People The World Over, These Boys Are Brothers Of Ours, Nothing But Big Respect To Them. 09-03-12 At DCAS In Chesterfield 10-03-12 At Uni Academy Bar In Derby 23-03-12 At The Box In Crewe 24-03-12 At Sin City In Swansea 30-03-12 At O2 Academy Islington In London 31-03-12 At Concorde 2 In Brighton If You Have Not Yet, Then You Need To, THE TWANG ARE ON A UK TOUR RIGHT NOW. We All Need Good Music for Our Day To Day... For More See http://www.thetwang.co.uk/ MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Sunday 4 March 2012


Bearwood Tom Turning Down, In His Signature Way At The Spinney Dirt Jumps, SKILLS
360 Off The Wall Into The Sea. Southsea
A Perfectly Executed Nosepick At Worcester
Big Air Across The Canyon, At The Custard Factory, Digbeth As you can tell from the pictures, Bearwood Tom was definitely one of the Burliest Riders out of The "Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team" and an all round rider. This boy is one wild individual to say the least. 360s out of the banks at Bearwood, about 7feet to 9feet out, to flat bottom landing. Some pulled smoother than others, but crazy to witness and he would pedal with pure determination. This boy can drink too, has been known and witnessed to lose all accounts of what is going on, whilst intoxicated. I've had the pleasure of been able to ride with BEARWOOD. A riding session with him one day bought birth to TEN15, Another Division Of Bearwood BMX. Bearwood Tom is so down with being in the team, that his other AKA is just a plain simple "BEARWOOD" hence AKA "The Mayor of Bearwood". We have been at southsea, where just the 2 of us locked away in a car for 8Hours+ just drinking Guinness and just on a roll solid. All of the Bearwood Riders were all rounders and was able to ride and master, Street, Dirt, Ramps, Vert, and Flatland too. One or Two had all the disciplines under wraps. Bearwood Tom was just burly no matter whatever we would be sessioning, he has mastered and got skills for building some great dirt jumps with good Lips. Let me share a story about the picture above of The Custard Factory Session. Well BEARWOOD TOM and COLEY (Partners In Pranks) ride from Bearwood to Digbeth in Birmingham City Centre for this Jam which was happening in the evening one summer, a few years back. As you can see by the picture that BEARWOOD is on form and getting burly over The Canyon, (Thats A Big Trick) Coley rides hard too and can get a little wild on his bikes at times. Put them both together and you got yourself a show about to happen that you will remember. I remember seeing Coley the next day a bit battered and bruised from the riding at the Custard Factory, After the evening had finished and all stunting had come to a close, They both now have to ride back to Bearwood and are a little worse for wear. Its Not easy being a Bearwood BMX Show Rider. : )) Well on the way back, riding home, they are going through the City Centre and decide to stop off for a second, they have stopped by this fountain. Bearwood Tom decides to pick up Coleys Bike and throws it into the fountain.(NOTE-COLEY IS BORROWING MY BIKE ON THIS EVENING) I remember Coley telling me that because they was a little intoxicated, he just laughed and jumped into the fountain to retrieve the bike. When he jumps into the fountain he lands on the bottom on his feet, and the Water all of a sudden Came Upto His Neck, he never thought it was going to be this deep. As he gets the bike out and climbs out himself, in the meantime Bearwood Tom has legged it and rode home on his own, Leaving Coley drenched and having to ride and make his own way back. Coley told me that because it was "My Bike" he jumped in and retrieved it, on the other hand, if it was his own bike he would of left it in there. You had to have thick skin to deal with these Ol School Fools. I will add to this, as and when I remember his The Antics. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

24 Cans And A Packed Lunch

This Picture Was Taken At The Backyard Jam, In Coventry. Furthest Away Is The Magnet AKA Coley holding a pint glass, In The Middle Is Bearwood Tom. Behind the camera is KennyChrome, Who was also The driver for this journey, which meant I was a lucky passenger, after a long time of driving around the Team I could finally have the joys of travelling the backseat,(Nice One Don). The rest of
The Bearwood Bmx Full Factory Trick Team
was in attendance as well. We each have got our backpacks loaded up with our daily essentials, some bags packed a little different to some. One Bag of interest was Bearwood Toms, He has managed to squeeze into his bag 24 Cans Of Beer and a packed lunch, the bag was truthfully spiliting at the seams, and had some serious weight in it. We arrive at the venue and join the queue for the spectators. The signs read "Have Bags Ready To Be Searched" And "No Alcohol Beverages To Be Taken Into The Venue", KennyChrome And Coley have had to join a separate queue because they got to collect their tickets. Since me and Bearwood Tom have already got our tickets in advance and are on One Ticket, I have no option, but to line up with him, I'm telling him that he needs to read these signs, and Bearwood Tom being who he is, he is not to phased and is cool as a cucumber and just grinning. I Look over to KennyChrome And Coley who are at this time just laughing and giving it the "OOoohhhh". I am thinking, as soon as that bag opens, we was not going to be watching any BMXing today. There was a few more items in question, other than the 24 cans and packed lunch, in that bag there was items, that would of made the security guards frown upon, and probably try to over power us. I knew when our turn came to be searched, we was going to be in Alot of trouble, No Messing. I'm praying, that all is to go smooth and no problems will be experienced. Now if this bag is not searched and we get in, then with that, what he has in his bag will not be nice in the venue.(ITS NOT THE BEERS OR THE PACKED LUNCH EITHER) If it does get searched, then we have had it too,(Either Way We Are Done). Now Our turn comes, we approach the security guard, and he starts to question Bearwood Tom about, if there is anything in the bag. I'm just behind Bearwood Tom, a few steps back, Acting like I'm not with him. The Security guard asks him "Whats In The Bag"?? Bearwood Tom replys "Oh Just A Few Cans Of Pop And A Packed Lunch My Mom Made Me", BLIMEY. How this guard never picked up on the fact, that this bag was looking well packed to the seams. Next thing the guard says to him was, "OK Have A Nice Day" and lets him into the venue. I was shocked and just laughing to myself, because now you would have to watch every step of his in there. Any lacking of concentration whatsoever will Not be acceptable. We take up our seats in the top tier up towards the back wall, we start watching the riding going on. KennyChrome goes for a walkabout around the venue, Bearwood Tom And Coley go for a venture as well. I stay put, watching the riding just going on, then Bearwood Tom And Coley have returned with some empty Beer Glasses, They are just going to fill up the glasses with the 24 cans of beer they have. First Pint is poured and they are drinking away, I'm not losing sight of them or The Bag, Everytime he went to open the bag, I was on the case, One eye on the competition and one eye on The Bag, It was from this high sense of alertness, which saved me from what was to happen later on in the day. By now KennyChrome has come back, he sees them 2 drinking out of the pint glasses, and asks "Where Did You Get Them Pints From"?? Their reply was "The Bar". KennyChrome stands there a little shocked and says, "What About The 24 Cans In The Bag", In which Bearwood Tom Replys "Oh They Are For The Drive Home". :)) KennyChrome Was proper shocked by now. I mean we are only in Coventry, and getting back to Brum would be only about 30mins. 24 cans in 30 minutes. (I Wouldn't Put It Past Them Either) They told KennyChrome in the end, that it was only empty glasses they got from the bar. (Sigh Of Relief) We laughed about it, for a while. (Above Picture). I will let the Team Write And Share what happens next. I dont really fancy writing it, It Was A ShowStopper In Every Sense, LITERALLY. : )) The riding going on was just unreal, The Worlds Top Pros Going Toe To Toe. Big Tricks. Also This Was Where The "Mad W*****" Took Birth. MAD WAY ANCHOR : )) MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Under One Bearwood BMX Banner

The Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team, Ten15, Team Elastaplast, Are All Under One Banner. ONE TEAM ONE FAMILY !!! MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL BEARBMX

More Images

Lightwoods House, Bearwood Illuminations
Bearwood Skatepark Rules And Regs
Bearwood Skateparks Humps And Bumps
Bearwood Skatepark, Different Sight
Bearwood Sticker

Saturday 3 March 2012


A Selection Of The Collection. Gold Dust
The Magnet AKA Coley Leveling The Bike Out
Ding Dong Mid-Way Across The Canyon
The Imposter Floating, At Birminghams Indoor Skatepark
Bearwood Tom Rolling The Lip At Bearwoods, Old Skatepark
Kenny Chrome Getting Tucked In At Birmingham Wheels

Thursday 1 March 2012

Transvision Vamp - Baby I Don't Care

Ladies And Gentlemen, Its THE TWANG

People The World Over, These Boys Are Brothers Of Ours, Nothing But Big Respect To Them. 02-03-12 At The Fruit In Hull 03-03-12 At Manchester Club Academy In Manchester 09-03-12 At DCAS In Chesterfield 10-03-12 At Uni Academy Bar In Derby 23-03-12 At The Box In Crewe 24-03-12 At Sin City In Swansea 30-03-12 At O2 Academy Islington In London 31-03-12 At Concorde 2 In Brighton If You Have Not Yet, Then You Need To, THE TWANG ARE ON A UK TOUR RIGHT NOW. We All Need Good Music for Our Day To Day... For More See http://www.thetwang.co.uk/ MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Bearwood's New Skatepark, Opening Day 2011

Some Of You May Already Know, About Bearwood's New Revamped Skatepark. The new concrete skatepark opened in 2011. This new layout has replaced the old one which was built by "The Anneka Rice Challenge" and used to be on Television back in the 1990s. The new skatepark layout is good and smooth. A little something for Everyone (Bearwood BMX Caters For Everyones Needs) to session on. Only the other day I was lucky enough to catch it on a quite day, when I went down to have a roll around with Brother Ding Dean. On the opening day it was a real good day, Everyone turned out and represented (The Old And Lil And New Bears). Even Brother Kenny Ken made the drive down from Up North, Respect KB, it was good to catch up with him too, Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team was in full attendance,(Other Than MR C) A good turn out from everyone on a beautiful day, What more could you ask for. The riding was good to watch, the Lil Bears shredding the place apart, nothing but good things.(There's A Video Up In Another Post) That skatepark has a certain positive energy too it, for old mates from back in the day too come out with their familys and spend the day and represent, is nothing but RESPECT. The last time you would have seen all them same faces, down the park at any one time was probably a good 20 Years ago. The skaters had all come down to represent as well, Brother Glen Dutton was down there with his skateboard, RESPECT. The Skateboarders from back in the day was our Brothers. Their was No BMX-Skateboard, them and us Division, We all used to Ride/Skate the same fly-offs, Mini-Ramps, And Streets together, We Would Meet up at Birmingham Wheels, to session the ramps. Nothing but Harmony, Like you would hear of tensions between Skaters/BMXers going off in certain areas. That was never the case in Bearwood At All. Proving This, For the Word to go out and spread, then you see faces turnout from the past was great. That Is Proof That "The Lightwoods Park Skatepark" Still Has A Place In The Brothers Hearts. How Can You Ever Fault That. You Never Can. BEARWOOD BMX AND SKATEBOARDERS STILL REPRESENTING AND GOING FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Today's Session With Brother Ding Dean

Had a good unplanned, session down at Lightwoods Park Today With "Bearwood Bmx Full Factory Team Rider", Ding Dong. A surprise call when I answered it, "Its Dean, I'm Going Down The Park, You Coming" I was out the house in a flash, I am glad I did, its been ages since we rode The Bearwood Skatepark Together. Turned out to be a real good day And Productive Too, We learn't, then mastered airing the canyon, Great Result That Is. That Brother Has Truly, Not Lost Any Of His Skills. Big Respect To Bearwood Ding. Here Is A Few Pictures From Today I Would Like To Share With You All.


This happened on another one of them Legendary Weekends down at Southsea. I remember this funfair ground like it was last week. The whole of the "Bearwood Bmx Full Factory Trick Team" is heading down to the funfair on a Saturday evening. Everything is all good and great, It had been a while since I have been on any rides, I mean, who better to go with than a Team of good friends. We arrive, and the first suggestion that comes up is we all go on the ferris wheel, you can see it uphead in the distance, Quite an interesting size it was too. It was situated right on the edge of the sea, 4 people was allowed to sit in each cage, Since their was a fair few of us, we split up and got into our cages and take our seats. Lucky me I had the pleasure of the ferris wheel with Mr C, Bearwood Tom, and Coley. You each had 2 grab handles to hold onto and a seatbelts, so you could maintain your posture the best you could, The cages would spin around as the wheel rotated, Like if you was Backflipping. The wheel engages and starts to go around, everyone is happy and holding onto the grab rails Tightly, Its starts to pick up speed, the cage is spinning back and forth, not completing a full circle yet, just half and half, that same motion of half and half carries on for a little bit longer. We are all in hysterics and just holding on tight, a real white knuckle ride this is turning out too be. As soon as we have completed our first loop, It just kicks off in the cage. Your going round and round and they are trying to loosen your grip off the grab rail, and open the seatbelt buckle too, You are having to fight them off, at the same time their trying to get a double loop de loop out of this cage, it was bad enough being that high up and being spun around once, never mind a second Loop, then being attacked, and having to attack back. This went on for nearly all the duration of the ride,(Tiring But Funny) When you finally managed to look out to sea, what a beautiful sight it was. The ride was stopped a little early I Think. We was only one cage, out of many that was being occupied by the Team. Lord Knows What Was Going On In Their Cages. You Could Hear Screaming and Shouting In The Air!! The Ride Stops and we get off and are a little dizzy by now, We walk around and come across a Bouncy Castle that was all enclosed in. we all decide to go on this Bouncy Castle. The attendant lets All of us on at the Same time. This castle is Massive, it has got rooms, corridors, Passages, And Windows, covering a good span of floor space. We all get into the castle and get started right away, (There Was Scores To Be Settled From The Ferris Wheel Earlier), It got heavy in there as soon as , Some new Jet Li's was born in that place, The battles going on in there was Wild to say the least, it was not well lit up either. You would be trying to walk as slow and low as possible, hard to keep your balance. Thing was you knew it was coming to you, but not knowing from which angle, meant you was like an Owl. People flying past you in the air, "in a Kung Fu Style-Flying Kick Manoeuvre". Glad it was'nt me on the other end of them. People was walking about, with their backs up against the walls. You would spot someone walking past with their back up against the wall, just going past a window, then you would just rag them backwards through the window and leg it, before they even knew Who, What, Where, or Why. There was a few close calls, We had a good 10 minutes or so in there. There was much bouncy bouncy going on in there, and with it being every man for yourself, they was coming from all over, 360 degree heightened senses on full alert. Nothing But Positive Fun. Lesson Learnt Is Pick The Right People For That Real Funfair Experience. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Tuesday 28 February 2012

In The Car

Whenever The "Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team" Was On The Road, With A Certain Destination In Mind, It Would Be A Nice Place Too Be. The whole journey would be packed with fun and games and much more,(Not Board Games Either). The atmosphere in that Vauxhall Car was more like a house party, with that energy going off the scale, And their was only 4 Members out of the whole team in my car, with myself driving and being the 5th. The Rest of the team used to make their own way, to wherever we was heading, meet up there. The energy that would be going off in the car at times, would be like nothing ever seen on display, You thought these boys was bad enough in the open outdoors, Well Try them out in a confined space, you will surely get some rare performances. If they was performing "Greco Roman wrestling" moves in the back of the car, then you would definitely be in for a little back massage whilst driving, Their knees and Elbows would be slamming into the back of the drivers seat, which would in turn, massage your back and Then Head to Toe.(Not Right). If a Favourite song ever came on,(And Their Was Loads Of Faves) over the In-Car multi-speaker sound system, Then You,ve had it, At times I was sure they was mistaken too believe that there was a dancefloor in this car, At times I was mistaken to believe that there was more than 4 of them in the car. Energy of 100 people in a confined space going off the meter. I'm glad I was the driver on these journey's, because I would, not like to have been be a passenger amongst them. At times they would try and drag me into it, regardless of if I was driving or not, You got too lay the Law Down Then, but they rarely listened. Great Classic Journeys In The First Lane. The One when a Team Member, Pointed at a passing cyclist and shouted, "Hey Mate,Your Back Wheel Is Turning" and then the cyclist stops the bike, gets off it, and then has a look at the back wheel???? Deep Thoughts on that one. Some people got tricked by these boys and would'nt even know they had. Very Harmless and no shortage Of Madness. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH ALL. BEARBMX

No Way !! Is That All You Get For Your Money !

This Rather Lively Event Takes Place On A Sunday Morning, Whilst At The Legendary King Of Concrete Competition In Southsea, Portsmouth. We wake up to a beautiful Sunday Morning, (A Little Somewhat Deprived Of Sleep) The sun is shining and all is good and great, we are all talking to see where the best place is for breakfast. In the end we go to this cafe up by the funfare rides, all I know it was to the right of the skatepark, if you are looking towards the direction of the sea?? For what is about to take place and be encountered, I should know exactly where it was. If you have been reading any of the previous blogs, you may of worked out by now that "The Planets Are Not In Perfect Alignment With This Bearwood BMX Lot", I Agree. This Encounter turned into something else, I mean we are only going to get a little brekkie to start the day off, It was busy'ish on the way to the cafe, people and familys just taking in the sights and strolling about, as you would expect on a beautiful day like this on the seaside. Some boys have decided to walk to the cafe and some have decided to drive there, I decided to drive there, I was hungry man, no energy to walk, and Bearwood Tom is in the car sleeping too. We all make it to this cafe good, because i drove there, I and the other boy's have ordered our brekkie's and are waiting on them, and bit by bit the other boy's start to arrive from their leisurely walk, Some are still on there way here.(NOTE-Bearwood Tom Is Still Asleep In The Car) Our brekkies are ready and they are served to us at our tables,(Great Service By The Way) I look at the plate and all is looking good with the food and we start to tuck in, About 10 minutes into eating the food and drinking your First Cup of tea of the day. By this time everyone is now seated and eating, then something happens behind on the other table, and you hear No WAY !! Is That All You Get For Your Money !, Something else was going on back there too, but I never paid much attention, well I wanted to eat and be GONE and enjoy rest of the day, things was looking a bit wild when i looked back at them guys, (This Was Going On between Themselves On Their Table By The Way). I have now finished my food and decide too catch up with everyone back at the jam. I remember walking to the doorway of the cafe, and looking about, for a Split second thinking, "it's well quite, How Weird, it was busy'ish on the way here", And didn't spare another thought, then legged it out and turned left to get back to my car, then in no longer than 5 paces i feel, WALLOP, I'm lifted straight up off my feet, they have got me by my elbows and then I am slammed straight down into the floor. This has happened SO QUICK that my soul is still behind me leaving the cafe, after a few seconds i realise ITS THE POLICE and they are Armed, and its not the boys playing pranks. LORD knows that technique they used to get me down on the floor was very effective and very fast,(NOTE-I Was'nt Resisting Arrest At Any Time Or Putting Up A Struggle-Forget That), They Was Proper Fast Boy. So I'm lying on the floor spread out like a star fish (Under Instructions) and got this policeman sharing more instructions with me whilst shouting down my only exposed ear, (Other Ear Is Being Squashed On The Ground). Then Having a knee pressed hard into your back and your face being pressed into the pavement hard, that was not nice and they was pointing things about, by now I'm thinking S*** what NOW!!, You realised then that something serious is going down, and this is no dry run. I really had other things on my mind at this moment of space and time. I Did not need this at all, having just spent the night sleeping outside on the grass took this idea of roughing it, that little step further. I Look across the road towards my car which is parked on the opposite side of the road, and notice all the luggage from the boot has been emptied out onto the pavement and move my eyes a little more up and who do I see.(NOTE-Can't Move The Whole Head As It's Wedged Into The Pavement By A Foot) No Way!! It's Bearwood Tom laying down on the floor too, and he is in the same star fish position as well. I remember grinning when i seen him layed out, I never found any other part of this funny, but that part with Bearwood Tom was the only bit. After a few more minutes of having to lay down and answering questions, we was allowed to stand up, We all had to line up and spread out, hands up and all that up against a fence. Looking about you could see that all the area was empty, no one from the public was in sight to be seen. Someone had called the Police because something had taken place. Their Was No Mystery. What Was Seen Happening On The Table Behind Had Something To Do With This Occasion. Some was given the all clear and was sent on their ways, but some was Not so lucky. You looked around and just saw unmarked police vans with blacked out windows parked all around. I aged a few extra years in this one encounter, and it was just out of this world to be part of. Spent The Rest Of The Day Remembering The Most High. Ended Well Considering. The Lesson Learnt was BeHappy with what you receive on your plate, Seriously!!. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARWOOD BMX.

Monday 27 February 2012

THE TWANG - Birmingham's Finest

People The World Over, These Boys Are Brothers Of Ours, Nothing But Big Respect To Them. 02-03-12 At The Fruit In Hull 03-03-12 At Manchester Club Academy In Manchester 09-03-12 At DCAS In Chesterfield 10-03-12 At Uni Academy Bar In Derby 23-03-12 At The Box In Crewe 24-03-12 At Sin City In Swansea 30-03-12 At O2 Academy Islington In London 31-03-12 At Concorde 2 In Brighton If You Have Not Yet, Then You Need To, THE TWANG ARE ON A UK TOUR RIGHT NOW. We All Need Good Music for Our Day To Day... For More See http://www.thetwang.co.uk/ MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Cypress Hill Stops The Show

A few of us, (Mr C, Coley, Greg And Myself) went to a Cypress Hill concert that was being held in Wolverhampton back in the 1990s. Playing that night was Funkdoobiest, Lords Of The Underground And Cypress Hill, Out of us all, Only 4 of us went to the concert that evening. We arrive and get into the flow of things straight away, no hanging about. Music is sounding Great and The Atmosphere is on a High level too say the least. We are enjoying the sets from Funkdoobiest and Lords Of The Underground and are just in Great Spirits and loving the concert for all it's worth. Cypress Hill now come on stage and start the show, We was having so much fun that night, Bearwood BMX Was In Full Effect In Full Flight And On A Roll, Then a little into their set, all you hear is "YO DJ- Stop The Music, Stop The Music!!, Re Rewind!!" We are just in that moment of that time and space again, and are looking around to see what all this is down too??. You start seeing Cypress Hill walking over towards were we are standing, Then they just point at us 4 (Now Remember, There Is A Few Hundred People In This Venue), and start shouting over the MIC "that these MOFOs have Got the Fattest Plume In The House" (When We Look Up, Yep They Was Correct). With that Big Up, came Hundreds of peoples eyes that now have you in their sight. In a bit of a shock after realising it was us they are talking about and not anyone else around us. I mean we thought we was being discreet. Its now Time for a Quick Duck And Dive And Then Reposition Yourself In The Venue. Another Close One That. Imagine What Would Of Became, If All Of The Bearwood Bmx Team Was Their That Night. Four Was Enough. Lesson Learn't Was That You Can Not Be Too Descreet... MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Raekwon - Wu-Gambinos

GZA Interview on Q TV

Sunday 26 February 2012

The Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team

In The 1st Picture Is, Brother Don T, Mr C, Coley, And Brother John Chin All Catching A Little Shade Away Whilst At The Bearwood Jam.
2nd Picture Is A Classic From "The Arranged Takeover" At The Legendary Worcester Skatepark, Big Respect To Brother Eggy And All The Locals Who Was Kind Too Let Us Ride On A Closed Day And Made It All Possible. The Art On The Wall Occurred When The Boy's Came Across A Tin Of Paint And A Brush. Have I Not Said All Along That Something Will Go Down, Naturally.
3rd Picture Is Of Coley, One Of The Original Brakeless Riders From Back Then, Enjoying A Cold One.
4th Picture Is Of Bearwood Tom (Dropping In) And Dean Ding, Antics Captured At The Legendary Worcester Skatepark, Was One Of The Best Parks Going. Bearwood Tom And Ding Got Styles For Miles
5th Picture Is Of Kenny Chrome, Captured Mid-Air On The Vert Ramp At The Legendary Redditch Skatepark. Big Respect To Steve Rooke, Jason Hewitt And Steve Gameson (These Boys Are The Old School BMX Legends From The UKBFA Days) Respect To All The Locals Too. You Have Got To Check This Park Out, Put It Down On Your To-Do List.
6th Picture Is Of Greg, Busting His Signature "One Foot Air" Aka Roots, At The Old Indoor Skatepark In Birmingham City, Which Is No Longer There Anymore. Respect, Skills.
7th Picture Is Of The Legend Mr C, Practising His One Hander, Inflight At Bearwood BMXs Favourite Trails Spot, The Legendary Spinney Dirt Jumps In Kingswinford. Them Jumps Were The Most Fun. Sad They Have Gone. RIP Spinney, Big Respect Too All The Locals.
8th Picture Is Of A True Bearwood BMX Brother, His Name Is Reedy, And Taken In A True Bearwood BMX Setting. He Is Taking This One Out To Sea Off The Wall, Captured Over The King Of Concrete Weekend At Southsea, Portsmouth.

Bearwood Tom And Coley = Bearwood BMX

Whenever Bearwood Tom And Coley Are Together, It's ON!! And Something Will Be Going Down Sooner Or Later!! Either Be It Their Riding Or Their Legendary Pranks. You Really Needed Eye's In The Back Of Your Head, And Your All Your Senses Turned Up To The Most High. There Was No Room For Even That Split Second, To Lack Concentration, With These Two It Was ON !!. If They Are Not In Your Visual Outline, You Could End Up On The Floor, Sitting On Your Backside Without You Even Having The Knowledge Of How That Just Even Happened,(Greco Roman Wrestling Moves). I'm Just Going Too Share A Couple Of Pictures With All Of You, For Now. I Will Have Their Introductions Posted Up Soon. These Two Are The Real Jackasses And Badasses On BMXs In The Truest Form. 1st Picture At The Top Is Of Bearwood Tom Skying The Cannon At "The Custard Factory Jam", Big Air From Bearwood, 2nd Picture Is Of Coley, Floating A Nice Big 360 Out Of The Old Banks At The Bearwood Jam, 3rd Picture Is The Pair Of Them With Brother Potty Taken At The New Re-Furbished Bearwood Skatepark Opening Day Jam Which Was Last Year. In This Picture Something Is Going ON!! Bearwood BMX Representing!! MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Bearwood BMX Held Hostage

Bearwood BMX has had it's fair share of dilemmas throughout the years. Nothing we wanted or even asked for, but just found ourselves to be right in the heat of the moment, and in the depths of whatever the dilemma was. The one I would like to share happened years ago, when there used to be BMX Competitions called, "Champ Of Champs". It was a Champ Of Champs Event we was going to in Nottingham, As per usual, having to wait on Brothers too turn up (COLEY, BEARWOOD TOM, MR C, MR Cs COUSIN FROM LONDON), we left Bearwood quite late in the evening, Enroute we had to make a stop off at a friend of a friends place which was in Handsworth, Only 10mins up the road from Bearwood. We was only stopping off to catch up and see if everything was good and well, We all go into the house and take our seats, and are just sitting back and talking, the atmosphere is just perfect as it would normally be, no different. Then after a while there is a LOUD KNOCK on the front door, whoever the person is, is not happy and is shouting out, "Whos All Them Lot In The House" and looking through the letterbox. This person was going on like, and sounded like a Maniac, Big Style, and PROPER ANGRY, just listening to his curses through the door was wild enough, the door at this time, which is still closed shut. We are looking at each other saying what the F*** is GOING ON HERE, and we are in a fit of laughter and Scared at the same time, The emotions are going ten to the dozen, we was not sure what this was all about, and why The Person outside is going real CRAZY, now he has turned up the madness a few more notches, So by now we are all saying, "It Can't Have Nothing To Do With Us", And Surely "We Are Just Guests, Right" We told the friend of a friend "DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR AT ALL", "NO MATTER WHAT"!! I mean their is 5 of us and only 1 of him, but that don't mean you jump into the dilemma head first, especially if you have not done nothing to aggravate the matter, and are in a state of bemusement to what has brought him to be this ANGRY, just because we are in this house. While there is a cursing showdown going on, between the person outside, and the friend of a friend who was inside, and had good curses of their own, in this time we was planning of legging it out the back door, I mean we had a Champ Of Champs to attend and had things too do so didnt need to be here any longer, All this madness was a little too much to comprehend and take in, at that moment in time and space. Whilst we was planning what, where and who would go first, (I Don't Think Their Was Many Takers On Anyone Going First). The friend of a friend ended up pushing the umbrella through the letterbox and hitting the person in the face, he was cursing whilst peeping through the letterbox. MY DAYS!!!, now he has turned it up a few more notches, and then starts to kick the front door in, BANG! BANG! BANG!! BANG!! BANG!!!. The Noise Was So Loud, (Can This Door Lock Or Even The Door Hinges Hold Any Longer??), because the front door opened up into the room we was sitting in, We are just looking at each other in shock, dry throats, and everything else that happens in them situations, whilst this door is been kicked in, DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR!!, is what, we was shouting to our friend of a friend. People don't normally go this Barmy, I mean this level of anger was "Above The Clouds" for sure. I'm couldn't say what we was still doing here, we should of legged it 10 minutes ago, out of that back door to be fair. Then "SMAASSSHHHH" a House Brick comes in through the front window, and nearly takes off a Bearwood Coleys head who is sitting just below the window, SH** now it is on, Then the friend of a friend opens the front door really fast, out of Disgust and Anger, and before we could shout NO DONT DO IT!!, Soon as that door opened, this guy came rushing in on his own, furious, with a BIG Butterfly knife in his hands, OH S***, It is really on now, he is going REAL REAL REAL!! now, When the umbrella hit him through the letterbox, we never realised it, but it hit him in the Eye, (Truthfully He Deserved Alot More That Just That Umbrella). EH no joke, that one Eye was more Red than the other one. He is doing all The Butterfly Knife tricks, spinning it around and all that nonsense, like he is at an audition of some sort. This guy is flying with alot of verbal Cursing towards us all, and not worrying about his language, nothing short of bananas, he was tempting us too stand up, and take him on. He was One CRAZY DUDE!, I'm Like, to myself by now, Lord get me out of here, i'll be good from now onwards, I'm sure all the boy's had God in Mind at that Precious Moment. He now picks up the Housebrick that came through the window earlier, then proceed's to smash it into the music stereo system, this causing a blackout in the house. All the lights have gone out now, Electrical Failure Big Time, it's pitch black now, all you can hear is curses, and all you can see is this Big Knifes blade just shimmering from the very little amount of light coming in through the broken window. It was quiet on our end except from the odd whisper from someone asking you where the back door was. Then whispering back, NO dont, are you mad, just sit tight and watch what his hands are doing. Bearwood BMX had come Face to Face With The Devil On This Evening, No Two Ways About It. He Left After throwing a few more minutes of mad curses, and Displaying His Knife Spinning Skills at us. In The End He Calmed Down And Left The House. What A Mad BAS**** He Ended Up Being. Too Close to comfort that one was for us boy's, Bye Bye's where being bounced around the room as we legged it out the door and we made our Great Escape. WE WAS GONE!!, Get Into The Car, QUICK, LOCK THE DOORS, QUICKLY LETS GET THE F*** OUT OF HERE, Wheel Spins And All. Nottingham!!! Were On Our Way!! Lesson Learnt Was Know Your Exits, And Not To Go Back There Ever Again, And That There Is Alot More Notches To Turn Up Than You Would And Could Ever Think. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS. BEARBMX

Macka B - Homeland Africa

Saturday 25 February 2012


The Twang Are On The Road Touring The UK This February And March 2012. Go and Check Their Website Out For Dates And More Info. http://www.thetwang.co.uk/

Bearwood's BMXs Dean Watson Aka Ding Bear

Firstly Big Respect to Brother Ding Bear who is back on his BMX after a short break. Ding Bear is A Original Bearwood BMX Full Factory Team Rider From The Paddling Pool Day's. He just kills any ramp set up in his way, Skills beyond belief for sure and can Blast Airs beyond that certain mental barrier. I have had some proper fun times with Bearwoods Finest Lip Technician. Fingers Crossed that we can catch up with Ding Bear very soon, so he can share with you all some thoughts and words for the blog. BeBlessed Brother. Big Respect. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Introducing Colin Scott Aka Mr C

This Brother of our's don't really need any introductions at all, but for that don't know this was Bearwood BMXs Legendary "on the road" mechanic and saviour for the roadtrips and journey's, And A "Bearwood BMX Full Factory Trick Team Rider", was also known too have been caught up amongst the chaos at times. This Brother had knowledge of life but "boy" when it came to being on time, We are on a losing streak, but thats what made Mr C the Legend that he is. I was blessed to have shared some wild times with Mr C, God Bless You Brother. Also if you look closely into the background of the picture of Mr C popping a wheelie (from way back in our paper round days in 1986), you can see the Old Paddling Pool that was in Lightwoods Park, Bearwood, Birmingham. That Paddling Pool was the foundation of Bearwood BMX and the true Origins, This is where it all started 32 Years Ago. This is a very rare picture indeed. Today this location is where the new skatepark stands. I think the old pool still remains underneath. Big Respect Colin. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Friday 24 February 2012

Introducing Dave Aka Lil Bear

I would like to share a little Picture of Dave Aka Lil Bear with you all. He is the cousin of Bearwood's Original Brakeless Wonder,Coley. This younger Brother in my eyes was outstanding on his BMX, nothing but a smooth style and a style like no other. I'll let the picture explain. I really miss watching Lil Dave shredding the skatepark to pieces, was a blessing for sure. I Was told by The Don Chromeleone that he is all good and well, and had caught up with him not long ago. Big Respect Dave. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Overtaking 3 Caravans Enroute To Southsea

The car that was used for nearly all of the old school road trips was a W registration Vauxhall Astra. It was biege in colour with 2 red front wings, a Public Enemy Flava Flav clock hanging up on the rear view mirror to let you know "what time it is" and a Ice Cube poster on the inside roof lining. This would be a car that could breakdown wherever and whenever it fancied and trust me it did just that. Not many motorway hard shoulders was left untouched. I Could say it had a Herbie type of atmosphere to it, with anything going on with it, Mind Of It's Own, like one time it broke down on the way to Hastings in the middle of the night and in the middle of some pitch black dark country lane, It just decides to stop. Just Like some airlines, they carry their own engineers onboard just in case, The same applied to Bearwood BMX :) we used to have Brother Colin with us, he was a true brother and our very own "on the road mechanic" :). He got us out of some scrapes when we used to break down, Ok so we broke down going to Hastings on this dark lane, we had no torches or anything that would lighten up the engine bay. We waited for a while and kept on trying to start the car but we was not having much luck at all, you could smell the fuel because the car was flooding after we kept trying to start it, these was the days of manual chokes, after a while we gave in and had to call the RAC out. No mobile phones back then either, we had to walk to find a phone box in the pitch black, Leaving Bearwood Tom asleep in the car, after a while we found a phonebox, and when they asked our location, did anyone of us know where we was, NO. I told them we are on our way to Hastings :) but that was of no help to the RAC operator. We finally found out where we was and then we let them know our location, Someone is on there way out to you I was told. Proper chuffed I was, we head back to the car and then the RAC Mechanic came to our rescue not long after, it was like a franchise company on behalf of the RAC, you could tell the guy had just not long got out of his bed and quite rightly so, at this god given hour you could say he needed his sleep, he asked what had happended and we explained to him that the car just cut out and stopped. The mechanic sits in the car and turns the key in the ignition and you know what, the car starts first time like it would of, when it was brand new, you could tell he wasn't too happy but believe me I was happy as you could be that we would be back on the road soon. It was a draining experience driving the boy's about because chaos, laughter, and just point blank madness all rolled into one, that would drain you out after 7+ hours of being on the road but loved every second of the trips. The title heading 3 Caravans, was when we was going to Southsea for the King Of Concrete, and a few day's prior to leaving for Southsea, the exhaust manifold cracked on the car, I tried everything to locate one from scrapyards, but I was having no luck, Colin in the end, done what he could and welded the crack the best he could, We knew if we was too make it to Southsea and back we had to drive slowly all the way there and back. Truthfully it was a rare situation if we ever made it to 70mph, the car was capable of them speeds but the passengers was not, and that was exactly what we did, we hardly used any fuel and made it from Birmingham To Southsea on less than quarter of a tank of petrol, and we only managed to overtake 3 caravans all the way there and that was on downhills. It took hours to be fair to reach Southsea, some a little worse for wear than others, but it was a great journey nevertheless with Bob Marley playing on the car stereo and The Safri Boys being practised vocally by all for most of the trip. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

Thursday 23 February 2012

Master Temper. Graffiti Artist

A close up of 'Eupo And The Emerald" (TAURUS) from the Post Graphaelite Collection by Temper This shows the quality of this modern master and his use of Aerosol (spray paint) no masking,no stencls,no special nozzles just a regular can of Belton(same nozzle) and Temper The future of Graffiti Art is in good hands! www.temper-art.com

Master Temper. Graffiti Artist

Big Respect To Brother Temper. Graffiti Master Of The Nozzle.

This Video Is Of A One Blessed Brother, Going By The Name Of Temper, A True Graffiti Master Out Of The Black Country. You Need Too Learn The Real Deal For Sure. All By A Spray Can You Know Good People, SKILLS !! Check Out The Videos To Be Space Bound. MUCH PEACE

BIG BMX dirt competition in Australia - Red Bull Dirt Pipe 2011

Nas & Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley - Nah Mean

Bearwood Jam / New Skatepark Opening Day

Introducing Bearwood BMXs Lil Bears. 3rd Up Paul Holmes

Introducing Bearwood BMXs Lil Bears. 2nd Up Fearless Tom

Introducing Bearwood BMXs Lil Bears. 1st Up Greazy Dave

Bearwood's Mike Coley At The Spinney, Way Back In Time

WHAT !!! NO BRAKES ! Bearwood Brakeless

Bearwood BMX has been scraping their shoes on the floors, since 1990. Thats The Time The Team Went Brakeless. The techniques of stopping the bikes nowaday's is a skill in it's own right , There are so many different ways and styles of stopping, that can be witnessed nowadays, whenever you are watching a crew of riders stunting Brakeless it seems they know exactly when they desire to take their foot off, also they will know exactly where on the bike they will be jamming their foot into, To Stop. When Bearwood BMX started riding brakeless back in the day, It was a new and fresh thing and very much a raw process in progress, and by total accident, so we would naturally encounter problems, Like deciding which foot to take off, was easy to get muddled up, never mind where you would be placing it to Stop The Bike, it was looked upon in a wierd way by some at times, well most of the time, especially the ones we ended up crashing into, we had encountered our share of problems stopping, Teething Issues I Think : )) Personally at times, this was a real heart beating moment when trying to stop, if you left it to the very last second you was going to have a close scrape. There was times when you would be riding and had even forgot you had no brakes. Only too be reminded when you would be reaching for the brake lever and nothing is their. That seemed to be the nature of the game. Bearwood BMX hasn't claimed any "Pioneering Rights" in any shape or form going, it would be wrong too say that we was the first and we started this Brakeless Movement. Some people have put that "Label" on Bearwood BMX. Truthfully that's most kind of everyone, and a humbling gesture, we just ended up making a certain decision in a time and space of our lives, that ended up getting Bearwood BMX the label "Pioneers of The Brakeless". It's a bit too much of a large label to accept, But really, If thats how people of the BMX community feel, and do think that Bearwood was one of the first team of riders, that may of had a hand in Going Brakeless First, Then A Big Thank You To You All. When we started venturing into this Brakeless scene, it was about lack of money than anything to do with being the so-called "First". I remember the first day riding without brakes and thinking this was something else all together, A Real Wobbly Experience For Sure. It started all about when one day my back wheel was buckled, (Alot Of Rear Wheels Was Getting Thrashed = Hook Ups) and the back wheel just would not spin, I wanted to ride, nothing is going to stop me. At this time on my bike I have a Rear Full Brakeset, I have worked out by now, that if I remove one Brake Block from the Rear Brakeset that will create a little space for the wheel to spin. BINGO !, Now I'm heading down to the park, I can ride the bike again. To say the ride was a little shaky, would be a understatement. Who cares I'm back on the move, The shakyness is a little price to pay. I enjoy the day stunting away with the team, throughout the day due to the sketchy riding, the rear buckled wheel is getting worse. In the end it just would not spin anymore, NO PROBLEM I have found the solution, I remove the other brake block, ANOTHER BINGO !!, we are now back on the move once again, a bit more shakier than before but thats no problem,. Later on the same thing again, In the end, I just removed the whole rear Brake Set. (BRAKELESS) This once again, ended up giving a little more movement. Not having any Brakes Now, I remember pedaling towards the banks to do a Air, and having the life shaked out of me due the the buckle. You would have to pedal so hard, that the rear wheel would gain momentum and start to straighten up, but no good, after a while it started to hit the frame. It would shake you lifeless. In 1990 Bike parts were hard to come by, and money was too, hence most of us having dodgy bikes and No Brakes. We truthfully never, did see anyone back then, Riding Brakeless BMXs, whenever we travelled to all the different skateparks around the country. Everyone we seen had brakes on their bikes, as you would and should and could. Even when we had the money to get the new bike parts we never went back to Having Brakes, the feeling of no brakes was right and comfortable and we were settled in by now, nobody likes a change do they, but it kind of felt you was meant to be in this position, Praise The Lord for that experience, would not of had it any other way. Big Respect to Mike Coley Aka Magnet Aka The Pigeon as he was One of the first in the Bearwood BMX Team to go Brakeless, nothing but props too that Brother. Now they sell bikes without brakes, Amazing. We learnt Double Airs Together( Airing Over Each Other) we would crash into each other in Mid-Air at times. All a learning process. You could not beat Dropping in on a ramp and just pumping and getting good air, it was a great feeling, knowing that you landing smoothly or safely was in the hands of the God's. If you landed smooth and was going for your next air, it was a Heart Beating Blissful Moment, you had no means of regulating your speed, you had to maintain 100% Focus if at all possible, (Someone Knocking You Off Balance, Or Even Just Grabbing Your Rear Wheel Mid-Air, Wasn't Out The Picture At All) You Learnt, a certain level of knowledge and feel, having to correct your balance coming back in off an Air, because someone has just grabbed your rear wheel and stopped you Mid-Air, this nearly sending you over the bars, that was hard to pull off, be we did it. It also came down to what knowledge and wisdom you had gained riding brakeless. Your senses are enhanced to a level, kind of close too a spiritual edge. Brakeless made you grow in confidence and have belief, You had to be fully committed too. To have Belief and understanding in yourself and your bike, sometimes you would want to change your mind Mid-Way and want to stop, but may not have the time to use your stopping methods, even if you tried too change your mind Mid-Way, It was not a good idea, because at times it could cause you more harm than good, whatever the case maybe. You had to go for whatever you was attempting, 100% fully Committed, NO HALF MEASURES. It dawned on me what BRAKELESS had become, when one time Seeing BMX riders in Australia, on a trip I done in 2010, I was half way around the world, out in the middle of nowhere, Not close to any major cities, many hundreds of miles, and many hours away from any city, and then coming across BMXers riding their BMXs without Brakes, That Was A Mind Spinner. That moment of time and space in Australia made it all clear to me that BRAKELESS BMX had travelled the GLOBE and had settled into far to fetch places in this world. That Is Down To The Professional Riders Who Have Taken It On A Global Scale. BIG BIG Respect To Them All. Bearwood Bmx is Still Underground, But now is Part Of A Worldwide Brakeless Movement. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX