Monday, 27 February 2012

Cypress Hill Stops The Show

A few of us, (Mr C, Coley, Greg And Myself) went to a Cypress Hill concert that was being held in Wolverhampton back in the 1990s. Playing that night was Funkdoobiest, Lords Of The Underground And Cypress Hill, Out of us all, Only 4 of us went to the concert that evening. We arrive and get into the flow of things straight away, no hanging about. Music is sounding Great and The Atmosphere is on a High level too say the least. We are enjoying the sets from Funkdoobiest and Lords Of The Underground and are just in Great Spirits and loving the concert for all it's worth. Cypress Hill now come on stage and start the show, We was having so much fun that night, Bearwood BMX Was In Full Effect In Full Flight And On A Roll, Then a little into their set, all you hear is "YO DJ- Stop The Music, Stop The Music!!, Re Rewind!!" We are just in that moment of that time and space again, and are looking around to see what all this is down too??. You start seeing Cypress Hill walking over towards were we are standing, Then they just point at us 4 (Now Remember, There Is A Few Hundred People In This Venue), and start shouting over the MIC "that these MOFOs have Got the Fattest Plume In The House" (When We Look Up, Yep They Was Correct). With that Big Up, came Hundreds of peoples eyes that now have you in their sight. In a bit of a shock after realising it was us they are talking about and not anyone else around us. I mean we thought we was being discreet. Its now Time for a Quick Duck And Dive And Then Reposition Yourself In The Venue. Another Close One That. Imagine What Would Of Became, If All Of The Bearwood Bmx Team Was Their That Night. Four Was Enough. Lesson Learn't Was That You Can Not Be Too Descreet... MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL. BEARBMX

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was there that night. Its all a bit of a blur now (some 22 years ago) but Cypress Hill sounded amazing. I remember there were three of us going from Streetly (north Birmingham) and we were getting the train from Birmingham New Street to Wolverhampton. On the way to New Street a police man stopped us (I think there was football fan trouble in the town) and he asked us where we were going. Cypress Hill was my response confidently - the copper was completely confused and asked "where is that?"