Saturday, 18 February 2012

Northampton Radlands Part 2, Red Or Brown Sauce

This incident has to be one of the most spontaneous craziest things I have EVER witnessed with the Bearwood BMX Team and believe me alot of antics have been witnessed. Like I have said before and will keep on saying that these Brothers are pranksters in the finest form going. This happened on a day when we was all riding at Radlands, They used to have a cafe inside the skatepark where you got served through a opening in the wall. A Few of us were a little peckish so we are like, "let's go and get some food from the cafe", We line up in the queue in the correct manner as you would, Now It is my turn to order my food, Bearwood Tom is standing their with me, whilst the other boys are waiting their turn and are in the queue just behind. I have ordered my food and am just about too walk away and let someone else order, whilst I'm waiting, all of a sudden I notice Bearwood Tom is grinning and sniggering too himself.(NOT A GOOD SIGN) Now I know by previous experience : )) that something is about too GO DOWN !!!!, I hotstep and leg it from him, the Brothers in the queue behind have no idea of this. LORD HAVE MERCY, When I look back, by now Bearwood Tom has picked up the LARGE squeezy Red And Brown Sauce bottles, and has turned around and proceeded too just Hose Everyone Down, Poor Buggers, there was some innocent people in that queue as well, I was well clear of all this by now and just standing in Shock, watching all the commotion going on, Thank God I escaped in the Knick of Time, THANK YOU LORD. The rest of the Bearwood Boy's were just standing there in utter shock, looking down at their T-Shirts, which are now completely covered in sauce, when a couple seconds ago they was just Fresh, There was a pause while the shock drifted away and Reality set in. You would think that was it?? "OH NO", Low and Behold the boys were not going too be out done, "NEVER", and so they pick up the other sauce bottles, MY DAYS, Now its on a full scale battle. There is sauce everywhere on the clothes, in their hair, On their Face, all over the floor, just covered everywhere. Some people were not amused, some in shock, but we was just in Hysterics, you can't buy that genuine madness for all the money going. Priceless and Timeless. You know what though, that was the True Essence Of Bearwood BMX. First have a laugh, then Second we will ride if we get time. To top all this off for me was that pretty much all my passengers was involved in the sauce sprayout. I told them all too clean up or I'm not going to take them home END OF. Whilst the others made an effort to clean up the best they could, Bearwood Tom just stripped down to his under garments, Simple?? NO NO NO, he clearly has had a little too much to drink, then decides that the under garments are not suitable no more!!, so WHOOSH off they come. The end to this is that he travelled back in the car to Birmingham, pretty much with just his under garments on all the way back in the end, like that was not enough, He started Brotherly Love on the way back home, : )) That stirred some people up in the car. Well that is for another day. To Much Madness In Abundance. MUCH PEACE AND BLESSINGS TO EACH AND ALL BEARBMX


Anonymous said...

Classic hahaha !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha love it

Anonymous said...